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FAQsere are answers to some of the common questions we get asked. Hope these help...
How good do I need to be? Obviously as a sports club we would like to win medals but we're also keen to get people bouncing and shooting so our open sessions are for all abilities. Enthusiasm and respect are the key. If you're worried about joining an established group just pop down and say hello. Still worried? Things relax a bit post season, May to end of August, so if you want to get balling without the pressure that could be best time to pop in.
What should I wear? We'll provide coloured bibs for games. General sports kit is fine with good indoor sports shoes. We recommend investing in proper basketball boots as they give better support around the ankle and a better desgined for the twisting motions associated with movement in basketball. We have some merchandise that can can be ordered direct from Macron but may be worth asking first as every few years we have to change kit style.
Can girls play? Of course! The NWBA youth league runs mixed teams so if you're fed up of the restricted zones in netball or just fancy building up your sports portfolio then come along. We have several girls in the youth club and did run women's sessions a few years ago but unfortunately the numbers made it unsustainable to run as a single sex session.
What's the youngest age? As we've only a small number of coaching volunteers we have mixed age goups. Curently our youngest player is seven. The NWBA will be hosting some Under 12 competitions but the league is for U14, U16, U18 and senior teams. We normally enter teams in all age groups.
How much are sessions? All our coaches are volunteers, which helps to keep your cost low. At the moment youth sessions are £4. Seniors will be more due to increased facilities costs. Any profit goes into maintenance of equipment, supporting our end of season celebration and club costs. Players and staff need to register with Basketball Wales and to play in the NWBA leagues players will be registered with the NWBA as part of a club registration. It would be great if parenst/supporters would also regsiter with Basketball Wales.
How do I get into the team? Firstly, attend training sessions. Secondly, if you have sufficient ability and there's space in the current season we may ask you to play immediately. However, some of our teams may be full and so you may have to be patient for the next season. There is normally space in a team, although our Under 18s squad is looking quite full for 2021-2022.
I'm a parent. Can I stay and watch? Once COVID restrictions relax parents are welcome to sit at the sides etc during training but please respect sessions and we also ask that no images are taken without prior permission.
Does the club take images? As part of Basketball Wales, NWBA and club registration we ask for permissions to be able to use images for publicity on social media and in the papers.
Wrexham's too far for me to travel, where's my nearest team? Check out the NWBA website and click on the clubs page. You can also look on England Basketball's website.
How much do you pay players? What?! We're a small, local league club, run by volunteers. The closest professional club is Cheshire Pheonix and they only pay their senior BBL squad (as far as we know).
Where are youth games played? Unless otherwise stated they are played at Holywell High School. The entrance to the car park can sometimes be tricky to find by stanav so best to put in "67 Strand Walk". See image below.